7 Factors Impacting the Adoption of Metaverse

Maina James
6 min readDec 8, 2022

Adoption of Metaverse is a huge technological shift, and it faces clouds of doubt. According to the Times of India, the Metaverse is the next drastic shift in technologies.

But, there’s one significant aspect that requires more explanation. And it regards the challenges hindering the mass adoption of the Metaverse.

In this article, we’ll explore seven factors challenging the adoption of the Metaverse. Plus, for each factor, we’ll propose a prospective solution in a separate section.

Primarily, we’ll cover factors with a focus on the users. As with any software, users and specially the ease of navigation are critical components of the entire Metaverse.

Next, we’ll probe into the factors making users shy away from embracing the Metaverse.

Identity and Reputation Management on the Metaverse

In our daily interaction with personal identities; things are much easier. The ease also spread to personal reptations. But, with the Metaverse, identities take on more challenging structures.

The virtual presence of personalities takes other complex forms. They could be bots or other personalities without direct authentication.

In this case, an identity on a Metaverse may be persons, organizations or institutions. It’s just as social media helps in marketing today.,

The metaverse presents wide opportunities for actual people to adopt many personalities. Some with altered facial features and voice alterations. These hinder the straightforward adoption of the Metaverse.

Assurance of Data Security in the Metaverse

Online privacy and data security have been a constant challenge across the internet. The Metaverse hopes to protect personal data by building on blockchain technologies. Yet, perpetrators of data breaches invent newer tricks every moment.

Could they project the same challenges into the Metaverse?

One good example of a data security breach was FaceBook in April 2019. An estimated 533 Million users had personal details leaked into the internet.

Metaverse, deriving from blockchains, comes with an encryption mechanism across users. While there are potential risks, they should not scare away developers and users.

So the security of data is among the factors hindering the massive adoption of the Metaverse. It requires robust data security features. And more powerful mechanisms to secure interactions.

Thus, the Metaverse has more to cover to attract easy adoption. Users consider the risks and will shy away from taking on the Metaverse if they sense any data security compromises.

Clear Payment Mechanisms and Currencies in the Metaverse

Users of the Metaverse will require to make transactions. Therefore, paywalls will be required.

Of course, with paywalls, the key question arises of the currency to be used on the Metaverse. Therefore, the link between paywalls and currencies is a significant milestone for the Meatavese to install.

Additionally, the currency on the Metaverse should be highly acceptable to most users. Plus, there’s need to be have various options for conversion mechanisms to help other minority users convert to currencies to the mainstream ones.

As of now, we are aware that it will need virtual currencies. It’s not clear which virtual currency will run the metaverse. And that is aside from narrowing it down to a single currency.

However, Bitcoin and Ethereum, being the leading virtual currencies by value, can fit the needs of Metaverse.

Need for Clear Legal Guidelines in the Adoption of Metaverse

Agreeably, the metaverse will be a global platform. Yet, there’s a big question, which national law will guide it?

The world comprises many nations, and no sound company can adhere to the specific laws of every single nation. Amazingly, some do not have the so-called laws!

The truth is, there’ll come up disputes along the way.

First, Metaverse must largely regulate the behaviour of the participants or users by itself. These require internal rules, policies and privacy matters to be clear to all users.

Secondly, Metaverse will need a formal resolution process via reference to legal jurisdictions. These will help with situations where internal regulations may be inadequate.

As the metaverse takes shape, there’s a dire need to have a common law for reference.

Straightforward Ownership Rights on the Metaverse

Owning assets within the metaverse is among the key features that make it attractive. In our physical world, proof of property ownership needs adequate evidence.

Prospectively, the Metaverse can explore proof of ownership via NFTs or Non-Fungible tokens.

NFTs have already been proof of ownership for works of art, music and video content, among others. Yet, the avenues of proofing ownership within the Metaverse are not clear.

The Need for Connectivity and Networks in the Adoption of Metaverse

One clear trend with social needs is connectivity. The Metaverse platform requires real personalities with the need to get connected.

For the Metaverse to pick up robustly, users must be present.

Consequently, the presence will fit the need for massive adoption. Massive adoption is a key component across the current social platforms. And progressively. It will be required to help the Metaverse thrive.

Next is a rocking Metaverse theme from MetaOceanPark in light of the hype around the FIFA World Cup Finals 2022

User Time and Awareness in Adoption of Metaverse

Regarding time, persons must be presently aware and available for the Metaverse. Truly, the Metaverse can’t be so if human beings do not have the time for it.

It comes at a challenging time when many things compete for human attention. Other than creating the time being there.

Solutions to Challenges on the Adoption of the Metaverse

The Metaverse has to solve the challenge of the identity of users. Ideally, the Metaverse requires the placement of complex yet trustworthy models of verification. There should be foul-proof mechanisms to eliminate instances of user impersonation.

Metaverse should build on sufficient layers of security to data. The Metaverse’s data and information security mechanisms must prove resilience against common exploitations.

This requires teamwork between expert developers with adequate test runs to eliminate chances of exploits.

Metaverse should solve the challenge with payment mechanisms. Plus, the Metaverse must consider rolling out with currencies that are widely accepted.

In the context of Web 3.0, cloud technologies like the Metaverse require linking two factors to provide a solution towards user adoption. One is paywalls which users can navigate. And secondly are the currencies or tokens — which need to be widely accessible..

The Metaverse must utmost legally protect all users. At a minimum, the laws provide for adequate safety in interactions. However, the internal structures of the Metaverse have to sufficiently protect and regulate user interactions.

Protection and regulation, in this case, cover users collectively and individually. As you can see, legal challenges pose risks.

From another point of view, the legal reference points require more clarity. And this narrows down to which national laws serve as a reference. In addition, the internal policies on user interactions and privacy also require to be clear.

The Metaverse should sensitize users regarding the applicable intellectual property rights.

While intellectual property rights may confine to a single nation, the Metaverse reaches out to the entire globe — wherever the internet is accessible. There is a need to lay out policies that can adequately accommodate users and partners within the entire globe.

The Metaverse needs to craft platforms factoring in need for the emotional and physical presence of the user. And this is a need over and above the networks, which serve to complement the connectivity of users.

Ideally, here the systems should have the user in mind. It’s what developers refer to as UX or user experience.

Lastly, Metaverse developers have a duty to reach out to users and make known what they offer. The prospective users of the Metaverse require that awareness.

Awareness is a notch higher — since it has to ultimately convince users beyond the challenges that face the adoption of the Metaverse.

Towards the end, here is a fascinating tweet from Gold Telegraph that claims that the virtual Currency from the Indonesian Central Bank can serve as a Metaverse in the future.

Parting Note on Adoption of Metaverse

Technologies like the Metaverse are here to stay. Agreeably, it’s never a smooth sail.

However, it will take time for the Metaverse to overcome all the seven factors above.

Each will take time to sort out in an unpredictable fashion. And as long as the factors or a combination isn’t sorted, challenges remain.



Maina James

Forex Trading, Cryptocurrency, NFTs and Blockchain Writer